Benefits of Riding An Exercise Bike
To keep the body and mind fit and healthy, there is nothing like regular physical exercise. It not only boosts the immune system, reduces the chances of developing a chronic disease but provides a regular benefit of managing the weight. Research recommends a weekly exercise of moderate intensity cardio technique for 15 minutes daily to experience health benefits from physical exercise. With the use of an exercise bike, you can meet these recommendations and enjoy the health benefits of physical exercise. It is advisable that for beginners, they should start with moderate activity while those are in a better shape can have the trainer incorporate a more solid bike workout or increase its exiting intensity.
Most people searching for exercises bike online simply want to burn calories. Calorie burn is the most popular and primary benefit of riding a stationary exercise bike. Even a 20 minute workout on the exercise bike gives you, your requisite calorie burn of a day. Burning increasing amount of calories can directly impact your weight management goals and you’ll have an easier time on the routine. Roughly an estimated 260 calories are burnt for someone weighing 155 pounds if they exercise for 30 minutes. Thus, by simply increasing your workout intensity or for someone with higher weight, the amount of calorie burned will be more.
Other important medical benefit of exercising on stationary bike is that the workout is joint friendly. Exercising involves a lot of impact on the joints of the body and aerobic activities like team sports, jogging and other similar exercises can bear their weight on the joints. These can be hard on the joints and you may risk injury. The positive thing about a stationary bike is that you can exercise those muscles and get you heart pumping with minimum stress on the joints. Research suggests that exercise on bikes is specially good for 50 pounds and overweight people. This exercise is known for the reduced mechanical stress on the knees, ankles, hips and back and thus lowered risk of injury. The impact on joints is even lower than the walking and you can easily indulge in this exercise on a daily basis.
Stationary bikes also give you the benefits of cardio-vascular exercises, as riding a stationary bike is classified under cardio-vascular exercises. There are many medical benefits of cardio like regulation of blood sugar, lowering of high blood pressure – and it may even prevent a second heart attack, if you have already had one! Research shows that the hearts ability to pump blood is increased with exercising on a stationary bike and heart becomes more efficient. It leads to less build up of plaque in the arteries as a regular routine of riding an exercise bike, increase the good cholesterol amount in the body and lowers the amount of bad cholesterol. Try and build up a routine of 30 minutes workout in exercise bike, five times per week to reap maximum benefits.
If you are a beginner it is important to think of a strategy before jumping head on in exercising on bike. Beginners can slowly work their up to a longer ride from 10 minutes daily to 30 minutes daily or 150 minutes per week. Apart from exercising on the stationary bike, you can also mix up your routine with elliptical trainer or swimming laps to bring in the variety and more importantly challenge different muscles of the body.
Workout Workshop is a fitness equipment supplier with online and physical presence. If you wish to buy exercise bikes or simply gift a voucher to a friend, visit
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Roberto Smith
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Out of all the home exercise equipment available for losing weight the stationary bike seems to be the most popular, they are light, easy-to-use and many modern exercise bikes can be folded away easily.Decide what you want to get out of your workouts before deciding to purchase any exercise bike. Remember that using a stationary exercise bike alone wont be the only way to lose weight, it may be best to use various forms of exercise to maintain motivation levels and keep results coming.