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Know about Diving and Its Importance from Swim Schools at Katy

Know about Diving and Its Importance from Swim Schools at Katy

maryacstravel . Posted in Tips & Tricks No Comments

The popularity of swimming as an extracurricular activity is increasing with time. Parents have realized that enrolling their children to any swim school from a very early age can give lots of advantages. It develops a body structure that can face any physical hurdle. There are certain skills that every swimmer has to learn in order to be perfect. Breathing, for instance, is one aspect that needs practice and hard work. The longer you can hold your breath, the faster can you swim because every time you need to bring your head above the water to breathe, you lose momentum. Diving is yet another important aspect of swimming. Mastering this art can help you to propel through water and cover a large distance in a very few seconds.

However, this propelling factor goes along with breathing because you need to keep the head under the water for long. If you can do that for a longer time span, it can help you to be a strong swimmer. There are various types of diving and learning them can make swimming fun and exciting. Usually, our first interaction with diving begins with casual jumps into the pool. Gradually, this process is refined and you are asked to stand at the edge of the pool with arms stretched straight above your head. Next, you are instructed to bend and dive into the water. This is the first stage of diving because there are many who may not be afraid of water but the thought of diving create a sense of fear. But this basic diving technique helps a lot to overcome the initial blockage.

Types of Diving Styles

There are basically 6 types of diving styles, which are part of swimming lessons at Katy.

    1. The forward group of swimming dives are very popular. The swimmer has to perform a dive by standing either at the edge of the platform or springboard. He or she needs to face the water and dive straight or the swimmer can add a few somersaults.
    2. The backward group of swimming dives is just the opposite of the forward group. The entire diving performance is done with your back facing the water.
    3. In case of the reverse group, your body has to rotate towards the board instead of keeping it away and rest of the style is same as the forward group.
    4. An inward dive is performed keeping your back to the water and rotating it towards the board and keeping away from the water.
    5. The twisting group is a difficult one because you need to incorporate a forward, backward, reverse or inward twist into the dive.
    6. In case of arm-stand groups, you need to rest your body on your arms and propel your body off of the board by adding all the possible diving styles.

The body positioning and timing is important to excel in these techniques of diving. It is always better to be a part of any swimming institute to learn these synchronizations.

Advantages of the Skills

Diving is a very fun part of swimming. The thought of splashing yourself in a pool is exciting, even if the initial phases are fearsome. You can show your gymnasium skills and flexibility of the body. But, it is important to learn these tricks from a trainer; otherwise, it can cause damages, which can be hard to overcome. Here are some of the reasons, why a series of diving lessons can benefit you.

    1. Diving lessons teach you some of the basic safety skills of swimming. It helps you to judge proper depth required for safe diving.
    2. Since you have to use the board for diving, the lessons teach you how to leave the board on a forward or backward takeoff and also the correct way to enter water.
    3. Diving is a part and parcel of any competition. So, if you want to be a professional swimmer, diving gives you an idea whether the sport is actually your area of interest.

The art of diving requires proper understanding of the body position, distance as well as time. Once you get a grip of all these, diving from a springboard or platform will not be difficult. So, learn diving and plunge into the pool with confidence.

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