Some Reasons You Will Love Ashtanga Yoga
Living with Yoga requires more than just willingness to do all the exercises. Yoga is basically a sport, like the one you can find at W88. In fact, it also needs passion and commitment. Whatever Yoga style you choose, you need both of these keys, including if you choose Ashtanga yoga. However, both passion and commitment sometimes do not come right away. Sometimes, you need reason to grow these passion and commitment. In the following section, you will find some reason I believe will grow your intention to experience and love Ashtanga Yoga. If you believe you are looking for another type of Yoga, please feel free to browse my previous articles.
- It is raw
Ashtanga Yoga is all about practice and studentship, the core aspects of any sport, including those promoted at W88.. There is nothing more about that. Everyone comes to do nothing, but practice. This perfect Yoga style requires full concentration. Besides, no one and nothing will bother you during the practice. You will experience the peace, better than any Yoga.
- You will live with challenge
If you love challenges like offered by W88, then you must love Ashtanga Yoga. You may feel uncomfortable when your instructor asks you to drool and collapse on your mat for the first time in your life, especially if you are the only one in the class without no prior experience with Ashtanga Yoga or any kind of Yoga. However, let me ask you this question. Should you be afraid with those challenges? No, you should not. Instead, welcome those challenges as if they are your missing brothers and sisters. That will make you love this yoga.
- It connects with your innermost heart
The room where you practice Ashtanga Yoga combines a concoction of joyful, intense, dark, sacred, reverent, light, silly, irreverent, empowering, humorous, graceful, difficult, and ancient aspects which amazingly still relevant until today. The way it honors the tradition by extracting it into different exercises will vibrate into your innermost heart.
- This Yoga honors your mind body system and its intelligence as a whole:
This subject is the crucial thing you will learn from Ashtanga Yoga. You will get it not only from the instructor’s perspective, but also from exercises, you will learn. If I may say, Ashtanga Yoga does it in a clever way when it says there is always a reason for everything. Forge your mental, passion, and commitment. You should never forget about the fact that transformation is rapid, while growth is apparent.
- You just know you love it
The longer the time you spend in doing the Ashtanga Yoga exercises, the better you will understand yourself. You will learn how your body connects with your soul and mind. On top of that, you will understand that there is no living thing in this world that has no connection with the Universe or the one we call as Divine Consciousness. If I may conclude Ashtanga Yoga as a golden experience that will teach you about growing the love towards yourself before you can love anything, even before you decide to love and commit yourself to Ashtanga Yoga itself.
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Tags: yoga