Sustainability In Canadian Sport Fishing: What To Do
When it comes to Canadian sport fishing, there is more emphasis on sustainability than ever before. When you go into the Canadian waters to fish, it’s important that you choose the right methods in order to make it safer for the planet as well as to put the emphasis on sustainability so that there will be more fish in the ecosystem for generations to come.
More and more concerns arise from the way people are fishing and what they’re fishing for. Regardless of what you are fishing for, you need to focus on doing things the right way. This means avoiding long line fishing as well as hook and line in some instances. It all comes down to which fish you are actually fishing for.
Various types of fish exist in the waters throughout and around Canada. Some of the more popular ones include:
- Blueback herring
- Chinook and pink salmon
- Rainbow smelt
- Yellow bullhead
- Striped bass
- Rock bass
When you’re out fishing for any of these fish, you need to focus on some of the very basic rules. When you get your fishing license and you’re on the water Canadian sport fishing, you have to be cautious in regards to the length of the fish (which is indicative of it’s age). If it’s not long enough, throw it back into the water and give it the opportunity to thrive, grow and repopulate. The same goes for fish that you have no intention of eating (otherwise known as catch and release).
Fisheries for Sustainability
There are more fisheries being produced in order to create a sustainable method for fish. Restaurants that use the sustainable label on their fish are often doing so without understanding how the fish were truly caught. This is because there are a lot of discrepancies in the market as to what makes a fish sustainable and which fish are endangered.
Salmon is one of the fish that fall into this category. The best choice is if they are farmed, but this doesn’t always make it easy for the Canadian sport fishing. You won’t be able to gain access to the farms in most cases to do your fishing – though there may be instances where you can. Hand lines are also considered a sustainable method that you can use.
Methods for Sustainable Fishing
Polling and trolling are also considered okay for some species of fish. When you go out into the lakes of Canada or even into the oceans surrounding Canada, you want to do right by the planet. This means you need to avoid using the nets altogether. If you use a pole, you’re usually doing the right thing. You can also begin talking to suppliers, restaurants, and even bait stores to learn what the current stance is for fishing in the Canadian waters with a sustainable method.
Sport fishing in Canada is fun and adventurous, but you want to follow the new rules at the same time to ensure that there is fishing for generations to come.
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