Top 5 Most Common Health And Fitness New Year Resolutions People Make

Top 5 Most Common Health And Fitness New Year Resolutions People Make

Mick Chan . Posted in LifeStylE No Comments

Health and fitness are two of the main areas of concern for most people, therefore lots of New Year resolutions are related to developing healthier life habits and getting back into the great shape we used to have ages ago, when we were younger and more enthusiastic.

Here are the top five most common health and fitness resolutions people make on New Year’s Eve:

1. Quit Smoking

With more and more evidence that smoking kills, lots of people start considering quitting this life threatening habit. When it comes to putting their decision into practice, most people postpone it over and over, so they end up by forgetting it completely. Other just fall into the category of serious addicts, so they find it impossible to go on with their life without their daily dose of nicotine. On New Year’s Eve, though, they want to step into the next year with great resolutions and goals, so they promise to themselves again this is the year when they are going to quit smoking for good.

2. Lose Weight

Losing weight is another big challenge in life, as overweight people know very well. When you’ve been through lots of diets and slimming workout routines only to abandon them one by one and see how pounds gather again on your belly and thighs, it’s not a surprise that setting weight loss as a New Year’s resolution is so popular.

3. Cut the Stress

The world we live in puts a lot of pressure on us. We are always in a hurry, we have million things that need to be done all in the same time, so we barely have time to breathe and relax for a moment during the day. As people started to realize we can hold control of our emotions, feelings and reactions, more and more individuals make a promise to themselves in the first day of the year that they are going to find at least a few moments a day to meditate and forget about the stress and pressure that are enforced on us by our environment.

4. Quit Drinking

Like any other addiction, drinking is difficult to quit. In some cases, it is even impossible without medical help. Nonetheless, many people set quitting drinking as a New Year’s resolution, even if they abandon it one or two weeks further into the year.

5. Exercise Daily

Scientists have discovered that 30 minutes of cardio exercise per day can make us not only healthier, but also smarter, because such exercise has been proven to help improve our cognitive functions. Such findings have been heavily popularized lately in TV shows and over the internet, so many of us started to believe in the benefits of developing a habit of exercising for at least 30 minutes a day. Such habits are hard to form, though, one needing at least one month of conscious efforts, so this is how this New Year’s resolution was born.

Creating a list of New Year’s resolution is great, but the main goal is to accomplish them all. How are you? Are you ready to be a better person this year?

Mick Chan has been working in medical supply industry for more than five years. He loves to write about the medical supply industry for different blogs. He is currently working for EMedItems in City of Industry, CA.

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Mick Chan

Mick Chanhas been working in medical supply industry for more than five years. He loves to write about the medical supply industry for different blogs. He is currently working forEMedItems in City of Industry, CA.


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