How To Become A Yoga Instructor
One with enthusiastic nature, ready to teach and curious to learn should try in this field. Even though there are no governance rules for fitness trainers. In its place there are standard lines for it, 200 hours yoga training is considered eligibility criteria. Some of ‘200 Hours Training Programs’ consist of concentrated and rigorous practice of months.
A person with good experience in the field of yoga is always required. Experience not in the sense, should have with teaching experience or something, rather it asks for that experience which is really of your own. Experience, that you must have realized while practicing yoga. It comes only through hard work and intensive month long practice.
Schedule your time; give yourself some ‘Space’. It is not very hard to practice yoga or tech yoga, what is required is consistency in it, as any work requires.
Find a Job as a Yoga Instructor
Just emailing your resume is not enough. You may get yoga instructor job easily. With that you have to become good yoga instructor also. Visit your nearest community centre. Connect with people, know about them. You may be asked to give a demo class. Remember Yoga is not just an exercise, but it is rather an exploration to look through superficiality. It is another way to divinity. Make yourself and other feel alive.
People new to this yoga field, can start teaching creating a group at church centre, kid’s schools or at your work place. Some of Dance studios can also ask you to start some session of yoga at their work place. That also can be good start-up.
Welcoming attitude toward others will also add up to your personality. You may get different kinds of students; some are really good and some novices as well. But you should be able to face them. Always remember the only way to become a good yoga instructor is to be fit physically and mentally, stay calm and peaceful.
Talent, dexterity, proficiency, skillfulness and temperament required.
When we start, we need to have proficiency, skillfulness and temperament to bear the pulls and pushes of time. You need to put your ego aside to be yoga instructor. The best way to gain these potentialities is to start with this Yoga.
The Jama, means Sum, this is just not mathematical explanation of the word. As the word suggest, combined two things together and bring them united. The Tantrik Yogis understand this very well in order to experience different life they need to connect with other people. Life which is more stable, pure, most inspiring, uplifting and more associated with people.
One of key issue to realize inner reality is star with the Chakra (Spinning wheel), where body’s energetic centers are. Energy centers, which channelizes our energy to our feeling, thoughts and the physical body. We do realize this instinct, inner-knowing, and a feeling that it is just not a body, but also a soul. Which just not heal you, but also purifies.
Nothing is as inspiring as seeing people practicing yoga for the golden years. Being a Yoga teacher keep this always this in your mind that you are not only a teacher but a guide, a philosopher and a good friend. As very well said by Linda Cowney, “it is not what is poured into a student counts but what is planted.”
Lydia Thomson, is very eminent writer, she has been writing for more than 5 years. She has published many books on the different-different topics including articles and blogs on Yoga.
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