Golfing with kids
Top Tips For Introducing Your Kids To Golfing

Top Tips For Introducing Your Kids To Golfing

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If you’re a keen golfer, it is likely that your children are keen to get involved and join in too. Golfing is a great activity which gets everyone outdoors and active, spending quality time together. If you’re wondering when is the right time to let your kids play golf, it is whenever they have developed hand-eye co-ordination.

If your children are interested in playing golf, ensure that it is always about fun. Your children should never be pressured into getting everything perfect. Sure, if they grow up and want to pursue golfing seriously, then your attitude can change. However, whilst your kids are young, the key is positivity and simplicity.

Don’t talk down to your child

When teaching your child how to play gold, kneel down and talk to them on their own level. Children spend their whole lives being spoken down to as they are naturally smaller than their parents and teachers. If children are given golf lessons from someone physically on their level, they are more likely to listen and take in what you are teaching them. Eye contact is important, as is talking to your child on a one to one basis.

A top tip for training young girls golf

One experienced golfer who has spent time training youngsters has discovered a simple way to teach girls how to get the perfect finishing position. He has found that by telling young girls to stop swinging their club at their ponytail, they stop in the right finishing position. This can be transferred to young boys who are wearing caps. Tell the boy to stop the swing at their hat strap and they tend to get it bang on. By establishing the right finishing position, you’ll find that children don’t swing around too far or fall over.

Incentivise the child with instant rewards

Children are less motivated by rewards when they have to wait for them. Earning a reward for golfing and having to wait until later on or another day to get it does not offer much incentive. Any golfing bets that you make with your kids should be paid up straight away. If you’re betting your children on something on the golf course, choose something which can be bought at the golf club and given to the child instantly. Kids love trying to beat one another, so place bets on who will do best in a game and give instant rewards.

Don’t buy a full set of clubs straight away

When your child first gets into golfing, don’t go ahead and purchase a full set of clubs. Instead, get used clubs for your child to use. If they are genuinely interested in the game, it is likely that they will want their own new set of clubs. Golf clubs can be pricey so there is no point investing in a whole brand new set if your child is just going through a brief phase. When your child has a passion for the game, they can be rewarded with their own full set.

Clive Jones is a golf professional. He recommends people visit

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